July 26, 2024


Mainstream media a hit only with Democrats
Just 13 percent of Americans say they have “a great deal” of confidence in what radio, TV, newspapers, and news websites are reporting, according to a new Gallup survey. Read More.
Defector offers blunt take on 2 Koreas, Donald Trump
On solving North Korea’s nuclear weapons issue, it is important for the U.S. to establish a vision and strategy for a post-Kim Jong-Un contingency situation. Read More.
Millions watched Schiff's 'parody' that smeared president
Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, delivered an opening statement at the Sept. 26 Trump-Ukraine whistleblower hearing that was immediately recognized as fabricated. Read More.
Report: Trump to cut refugee influx by 80 percent
President Donald Trump will fulfill a 2016 campaign promise by cutting the inflow of refugees by 80 percent in 2020, the State Department said on Sept. 26. Read More.
Why is Seoul celebrating China’s 70th birthday?
Seoul’s City Council Hall is decked out in decorations as the liberal Moon Jae-In administration celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Read More.
Mind manipulation through mass entertainment
A leading population control organization that works closely with international abortion providers openly utilizes original radio and television programming to promote its agenda in nations throughout the world. Read More.
Hearings: Schiff confronted on own collusion with foreigner
During the circus that was the Trump-Ukraine “whistleblower” hearings, Rep. Devin Nunes reminded House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff about Schiff’s past collusion with foreign nationals. Read More.
Fleitz: Whistleblower complaint 'too convenient'
The former chief of staff to ex-national security adviser John Bolton said he questions the origins of the whistleblower complaint concerning President Donald Trump and the Ukraine. Read More.
Key words in Ukraine transcript? ‘CrowdStrike’
In the transcript of his call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, U.S. President Donald Trump referenced CrowdStrike, a cyber firm used by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to investigate cyberattacks against the DNC during the 2016 election. Read More.
Limbaugh: Latest anti-Trump narrative a 'nothing burger'
The entire Trump-Ukraine story is just another “nothing burger” and a way for Democrats and their “media brethren” to continue their non-stop investigations of President Donald Trump, radio host Rush Limbaugh said on Sept. 25. Read More.
Tucker Carlson: 'Cancel culture is a national plague'
An egregious example of “cancel culture” was highlighted by Fox News host Tucker Carlson during his Sept. 25 broadcast. Read More.
Playing both sides: Why AOC doesn't want Trump impeached
After news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was going to file a formal inquiry into the possibility of ousting President Trump from office the Democrats and their allies in the establishment media were more excited than Jim Acosta in a house full of mirrors. Read More.
‘Good-bye America’
‘Good-bye America’ Read More.
Trump to UN elites: 'Future belongs to patriots'
“The future does not belong to globalists — the future belongs to patriots,” U.S. President Donald Trump told the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Sept. 24. Read More.
Biden scandal used as trigger for impeachment
U.S. Democrats were turning the screws on Ukraine long before Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani’s discussions with Ukrainian officials. Read More.

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