September 20, 2024


Stay-at-home orders credited for record-breaking gun sales
Americans are buying firearms in record numbers as more and more state and local governments issue stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus outbreak. Read More.
The politics of death: Coronavirus and other killers
"We accept 50,000 traffic deaths a year. We accept cancer deaths. We accept suicides. We accept ’em," radio host Rush Limbaugh noted in his April 1 broadcast. But, "we haven’t accepted" coronavirus, "we have accommodated." Read More.
Contempt in Japan for WHO: Call it ‘China Health Organization'
The World Health Organization (WHO) has essentially become China's accomplice in the coronavirus outbreak and should be renamed the "China Health Organization," Japan's deputy prime minister said. Read More.
Reports: China deliberately misled world on virus
Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping's regime concealed the extent and origins of the coronavirus outbreak, reports say. Read More.
50 U.S. companies respond to Trump’s appeal to fight virus
Some 50 companies have answered President Donald Trump's call for help with the coronavirus outbreak. Read More.
Student who researched and called out CCP disappears
A Chinese college student who publicly called for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to relinquish power amid its mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak has reportedly gone missing. Read More.
WHO spends more on travel than fighting health crises
According to its most recent financial report, the World Health Organization (WHO) spends more on travel for meet and greets than it does on medical supplies. Read More.
Obama's NSC adviser Susan Rice takes China's line on virus
In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Obama era national security adviser Susan Rice essentially parroted Chinese propaganda on the coronavirus. Read More.
China's PLA has long touted 'biological frontiers of warfare'
In 1996, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Art Press published “Warfare Beyond Rules”, in which the central premise was that China should prepare to conduct “warfare beyond all boundaries and limitations to defend itself.” Read More.
Unparalleled hatred from our far-Left ruling class and their media
'The radical Dems would rather have President Trump fail/impeached even if it meant his success would improve the lives of humanity than having him succeed and win for America and the world.' Read More.
‘My Pillow’ owner wakes up Left with Rose Garden comments
An American business owner who had just announced his company would make 50,000 masks per day for the fight against the coronavirus was mocked by leftists for sharing his faith and encouraging Americans to turn to God amid the ongoing crisis. Read More.
FBI-SEC probe senators' pre-crash stock sales
The Department of Justice reportedly has opened an inquiry into four senators who sold off millions of dollars in stocks in the days before the coronavirus crisis crashed the market. Read More.
Polls on virus: Americans heed Trump, tune out media
Americans are getting their coronavirus news from President Donald Trump's press conferences and tuning out the liberal media's selective coverage, polls suggest. Read More.
His 'narconephews' credited for Maduro’s indictment
A pair of boastful "narconephews" may ultimately bring down a socialist dictator who seemed all but impervious to the powerful domestic and foreign forces lined up against him. Read More.
Graham fact-checks Pelosi: She was the one 'fiddling'
Evangelist Franklin Graham blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for saying the President Donald Trump amid the coronavirus crisis is “fiddling while people are dying.” Read More.

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