July 26, 2024


Soros network, Left demand stimulus checks for illegals
Open borders proponents are demanding that illegal immigrants receive coronavirus stimulus checks. Read More.
As coronavirus shuts down U.S., border wall is going up
The Trump administration has completed 40 miles of border fencing since early February, according to Border Patrol data. Read More.
In Italy, 102-year-old woman, 101-year-old man beat the virus
Two centenarians in Italy, born when the Spanish flu was sweeping the nation, have survived the Wuhan coronavirus, reports say. Read More.
Rosneft sells assets In Venezuela to Russian state company
Russia’s largest oil producer, Rosneft, has announced that it is halting operations in Venezuela and selling its assets there to a company fully owned by the Russian government. Read More.
U.S. warns China-Russia-Iran 'disinformation' will distract
China, Russia and Iran have created an echo chamber which pushes false narratives about the origins of and China's response to the coronavirus crisis, a U.S. State Department official said. Read More.
U.S. strengthened ties with Taiwan in blow to Beijing
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a law passed by Congress which aims to strengthen Taiwan's alliances amid increased pressure from communist China. Read More.
Economy is wrecked, but U.S. multinationals still love China
After our economy and everyday national life is through being completely turned upside down and Americans stop dying from the coronavirus, prominent U.S. globalist companies are relishing the idea of getting back to business as usual vis-a-vis their cozy working ties with China's communist regime. Read More.
Beyond creepy: Biden accused of sexual assault by former staffer
A former staffer who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office said Biden pinned her against a wall and sexually assaulted her. Read More.
Special report: China’s dual-use covert bioweapons program
While this current novel coronavirus may not have been an engineered bioweapon, it should still focus attention on China’s very real, clandestine, offensive biowarfare research program. Read More.
'Know the enemy': Taiwan is coronavirus success story
The coronavirus pandemic has not "inflicted the same level of devastation to Taiwan as seen in China and many other nations to date." Read More.
'Wuhan virus': U.S. battles China's narrative at UN
The United States is insisting that any United Nations joint declaration on the coronavirus crisis should state explicitly that the virus originated in Wuhan, China. Read More.
Wuhan death toll: Official stats countered on social media
Thousands of urns have reportedly been delivered to funeral homes in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. Photos and information circulating on Chinese social media indicate there are long lines of people picking up cremated ashes. Read More.
North Macedonia pays its dues, joins NATO
North Macedonia officially became the 30th member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on March 27. Read More.
UK doctor walks back projection credited with shutting down U.S.
A British epidemiologist of the Imperial College, whose dire predictions on the coronavirus outbreak caused much anxiety, has revised his prediction with a much more optimistic view. Read More.
DOJ indicts Maduro on narco-terror conspiracy charges
The U.S. Justice Department on March 26 announced that socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro and several other Venezuelan government officials have been indicted on drug-trafficking charges, including efforts to smuggle tons of cocaine into the United States. Read More.

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