October 22, 2024


Convicted murderers? Sanders would stop all deportations
If he were to win the presidency, socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders said he would put a stop to all deportations of illegal immigrants who are being detained by the U.S. government. Read More.
Analysis: Real intel threats ignored by Schiff's show trial
In the U.S. Congress, the House Intelligence Committee is so fixated on the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that it is likely missing the real threats against the United States, a former U.S. counterintelligence officer said. Read More.
President honors 100 million ‘Victims of Communism’
The White House on Nov. 7 released the Presidential Message on the National Day for the Victims of Communism. Read More.
Pompeo rocks new China policy, critiques old one
While fighting for its political existence against the Democrat Party led campaign for impeachment in the United States House of Representatives, the administration of President Donald Trump remains capable of strong leadership, such as working to forge a new American policy consensus on China. Read More.
Iran rsumes underground enrichment at Fordow
The European Union said it is becoming “increasingly difficult” to preserve the Iran nuclear deal as Teheran continues to scale back its commitments under the deal. Read More.
Paris climate discord: Taxes spark riots, rogue states ignore
The Paris climate agreement, which was enacted in 2015 with the goal of reduced global emissions, is “flat failing” amid backlash over higher taxes in nations implementing the agreement while major polluters such as China and India ignore it, analysts say. Read More.
Global angst: The masses are infuriated
From Hong Kong to Barcelona, and from Beirut to Bolivia and Chile, a global rage seems to be boiling over. Read More.
Erdogan to NATO allies: Time for ISIS homecoming
The administration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned its European NATO allies that it is set to send thousands of Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists who were captured in Syria back to their countries of origin. Read More.
N. Korea seeks fresh start for shuttered resort built by South
Now Kim Jong-Un talks about replacing all the Hyundai-built hotels, shops and smaller houses with what he believes will be the far better creations of his own architects. Read More.
40 years to the day: Iran doubles use of banned centrifuges
Iran says it has further scaled back its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, saying it is now operating twice as many advanced centrifuges banned by the agreement. Read More.
Rep. Omar cast lone Democrat vote against Turkey sanctions
Socialist Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign has received $1,500 from the co-chairman of a Turkish-American advocacy group that is closely linked to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Federal Elections Commission records show. Read More.
Rohingya still in Burma fact 'risk of renewed genocide'
In a stunningly gloomy presentation, UN human rights experts reviewed the situation in Myanmar/aka Burma, the Southeast Asian country where the government continues to persecute, harass and eliminate members of minority religious groups, especially the Muslim Rohingya. Read More.
Unlike Obama, 'We chose to protect the Ukrainian people'
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo defended his boss and slammed Democrats for a partisan impeachment inquiry which arose from a phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s president which was “a matter of policy.” Read More.
Six Gulf states and U.S. announce sanctions on Iran proxies
The United States and six of its Gulf allies on Oct. 30 announced sanctions on 25 entities linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Lebanon-based Iranian terror proxy Hizbullah. Read More.
Pompeo on China: 'American people didn’t get the full story'
The Trump administration, unlike past administrations, recognizes and is addressing “the degree to which the Chinese Communist Party is truly hostile to the United States and our values,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Oct. 30. Read More.

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