January 25, 2025


Airball: Ratings at record low for politicized NBA finals
Sunday's game three of the 2020 NBA Finals between Woke Social Justice Warriors Team No. 1 and Woke Social Justice Warriors Team No. 2 hit another record ratings low. Read More.
Student who said he admires Trump scolded by teacher
A middle school teacher in Tacoma, Washington kicked a 10-year-old student off of virtual chat and then scolded the student who had written that he admired President Donald Trump, a report said. Read More.
Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden "is not a Catholic in good standing, and he should not approach to receive Holy Communion," said a member of the highest judicial authority in the Roman Catholic Church. Read More.
Moms launch platform to teach kids American history, values
Dismayed by the lack of or skewed instruction on American history in schools, three moms got together and founded on online platform which teaches about the nation's founding and instills in students a spirit of patriotism. Read More.
NY Times more interested in coach's mask than his big win
On Saturday, Mississippi State pulled off a massive upset by defeating defending national champion LSU at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Read More.
Obamas catching heat over Netflix ‘child porn’ film
Barack and Michelle Obama are being pressured to use their influence at Netflix to pull the film "Cuties" which has been accused of glorifying the sexualization of children. Read More.
Cancel culture comes for Beethoven
In an op-ed for Vox.com, musicologist Nate Sloan and songwriter Charlie Harding blame the music of Ludwig van Beethoven for what they say is an elitist classical culture that bolsters the rule of white males and suppresses the voices of women, blacks and the LGBTQ community, a columnist noted. Read More.
Jaguars' Eifert wears name of slain police officer on helmet
Jacksonville Jaguars tight end Tyler Eifert chose to have the name of fallen retired police officer David Dorn on the back of his helmet in Sunday's NFL opener. Read More.
Cuties: Pedophile chic from Netflix
In releasing the so-called coming-of-age comedy-drama "Cuties", Netflix has joined the Left's push to normalize pedophilia, critics charge. Read More.
Mulan filmed near Uighur camp; Star backed crackdown
Disney is under fire after the end credits in its live action remake of the film "Mulan" revealed some scenes were filmed in Xinjiang Province. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is detaining over 1 million Uighur Muslims in concentration camps in Xinjiang. Read More.
Book: How big tech aims to alter virtual reality, 'steal' election
A new book exposes the plan by major tech companies to undermine the Trump movement and "steal" the 2020 election. Read More.
Prof's use of Chinese words blamed for 'mental health' issues
A communications professor at the University of Southern California (USC) was placed on leave after black students complained that their "mental health" had been "affected" by the professor's pronunciation of a Chinese word that sounded too much like the N-word. Read More.
Priest: 'You cannot be a Catholic and a Democrat. Period.'
In a viral video, a Catholic priest in Wisconsin warns faithful who may support Democrats: "Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell." Read More.
Sex with underage teens given leeway under California bill
The California General Assembly has passed legislation that would allow judges to decide whether LGBTQ adults who have sex with underage teenagers should be kept off the state's sex offender registry. Read More.
Sister Byrne: Unborn 'largest marginalized group in the world'
Sister Deirdre Byrne from the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts, a former Army surgeon, said in address to the Republican National Convention on Wednesday that “the largest marginalized group in the world” is “the unborn.” Read More.

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