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  • 09/22/2021
FPI / September 21, 2021

The brief flurry of headlines generated Thursday when Special counsel John Durham indicted Michael Sussmann distracted attention from the fact that his employer, the Perkins Coie firm, had been bankrolled by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, and that he was a key cog in peddling the Trump-Russia hoax.

"Hillary was the one with the secret server," Fox News host Jesse Watters noted Saturday after detailing a riveting history of FBI abuses in that and a series of other scandals that have not been pursued by the corporate media.

"This hoax was just a distraction from her own crime. This whole time, Sussman's firm was billing the Clinton campaign for all this dirty work."

Watters than brought on "Life, Liberty & Levin" host Mark Levin, who noted that "Hillary Clinton is Mr. Big in the middle of all of this. And so my question would be for Mr. Durham, have you dragged Hillary Clinton in front of your grand jury yet or not? Because enough is enough."

Levin continued:

"This Clinton campaign, through this law firm, was so thoroughly corrupt using its money to create false evidence against Donald Trump connecting him to Russia and then she would go out there and talk about how Donald Trump is bought and paid for by Russia.

"She had Pelosi do it. The Democrats are all tap dancing and pushing the same issue, their friends in the media. ... Hillary Clinton has always been corrupt. She has always been a liar and she is still corrupt, and she is still a liar and she has never been held to account. She needs to be brought in front of the grand jury. That's number one.

"Number two, the media is corrupt and filled with liars. Virtually everybody today in Big Media pushed this story, and yet they continue to have their jobs. They should all be losing their jobs.

"And finally, this law firm. This law firm is detestable. It not only had Sussmann as a partner who has now been scrubbed from the website, but has this guy Mark Elias, who was involved in the dossier, and now is involved in a massive dark money network, as Fox has reported with a bunch of front groups that have raised hundreds of millions of dollars to try to affect the next election the way he and they affected the prior election in 2020.

"And you know what, Jesse? We're not allowed to talk about it. We're told no, you're election deniers. We even have people like Chris Christie running around and talking about it.

"So here we have more than enough evidence to show what Hillary Clinton, the DNC, this law firm, and their favorite lawyer did with hundreds of millions of dollars, lied about Trump, lied about corruption, lied about Russia.

"For three years, this country was dragged to the toilet, and now we're not allowed to talk about it. And yet, there's enormous evidence they're up to no good again, with these front groups' dark money, meaning no transparent money, billionaires pouring tens of millions of dollars into the effort in the next election. If we had an honest media, this wouldn't be going on. So, they are corrupt as the FBI and Hillary Clinton. Period."

The Russia hoax was just "the tip of the iceberg for the corrupt F.B.I.," Watters said.
  • The F.B.I. let Jeffrey Epstein walk around abusing children for almost 15 years. The billionaire pedophile cut a sweetheart deal with the Feds then raped more teens under everybody's nose. This happened under Robert Mueller's watch, Jim Comey's watch.The F.B.I. seized surveillance footage from all of Epstein — all of his homes. Where did all that go? Nobody knows. It's buried.
  • After the deadly '96 Summer Olympics bombing in Atlanta, the F.B.I. tried to pin the crime on the wrong guy. Remember Richard Jewell? Investigators created a sketch of a man they thought planted the pipe bomb, but the F.B.I. refused to release it. Instead, an innocent man's life was ruined. The Feds painted him as a lone wolf, without any evidence. ...
  • Here's another doozy. The father of the guy behind the Pulse Nightclub shooting that killed 49 people, he actually worked for the F.B.I. Siddique Mateen was the father of Omar Mateen that terrorist who murdered dozens of people in 2016 at that Orlando nightclub. It turns out the dad was working with the F.B.I. as a confidential informant for over a decade leading right up to the massacre. The dad sent money transfers to Afghanistan and Turkey before the shooting, while at the same time working for the bureau. Multiple complaints were made against the son for being a terrorist sympathizer. He was connected to Al Qaida, but the F.B.I. did nothing.
  • The F.B.I. has had rotten people in their network for years. One of their own informants was living with two of the 9/11 hijackers, yet the two guys still managed to hit us on that terrible day.
  • It gets worse. Remember the Parkland School shooting in Florida? Tips came in six weeks before the massacre alerting the FBI that Nikolas Cruz was an armed and dangerous likely school shooter ready to blow. The F.B.I. never even followed up on the tip, and over a dozen innocent children died.
  • The F.B.I. basically dropped their investigation into the Las Vegas massacre after over a year of wasted time. Steven Paddock who shot and killed 60 people at a festival in Vegas, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, and the F.B.I. came up empty and we never hear about it. Something isn't right there.
  • The F.B.I. was also heavily involved in the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer. According to BuzzFeed, F.B.I. informants played a huge role in engineering that plan, and then the lead F.B.I. agent on the case, he was just popped for beating his wife after a swinger's party.
  • And what really happened with Hunter Biden's laptop? The F.B.I. has had it for almost two years, sat on it, nothing. ...
"We need to audit the F.B.I. and clean house," Watters concluded. "You can't trust them. It has failed us, failed innocent women and children, costs lives and livelihoods and nobody pays a price. It's the most incompetent and corrupt part of the entire government, and that says a lot.'

Meanwhile, Republicans and independent media are raising concerns that the judge appointed to the Sussmann case has too many conflicts of interest to preside over it fairly.

Federal District Court Judge Christopher Cooper has had close professional and personal relationships with top Democrats and figures behind the FBI's Trump-Russia investigation, Just the News noted in a Sept. 19 report. Cooper's wife, for instance, represents disgraced FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who oversaw the FBI's Trump probe.

"In September 2016, Sussman met with Page's boss, then FBI General Counsel James Baker. The former DOJ cybersecurity expert handed Baker documents falsely asserting that the Trump Organization's computer servers were communicating suspiciously with the computer servers of a Russian financial institution," the report noted.

Cooper, who was appointed to the bench by President Barack Obama in 2013, is well-connected in Democratic party legal circles. Current Attorney General Merrick Garland officiated Cooper's 1999 wedding to Amy Jeffress.

"This is a wildly unique situation," said Kash Patel, who ran the House Intelligence Committee's investigation of possible crimes and abuses committed during the FBI's Trump-Russia probe.

"Usually it's defense lawyers who put in for recusal," says Patel. "But in this case, it should be the Justice Department's special counsel, Durham. The judge's wife happens to be the lawyer for a possible a co-conspirator.”

Patel, a former federal prosecutor, predicts that in this instance it's the defense lawyers who will be fighting recusal: "Sussman is indicted for not telling the FBI's general counsel he was working on behalf of the Clinton campaign. And that same general counsel, Baker, supervised Lisa Page, who is represented by the judge's wife."

Patel believes Cooper should recuse himself: "What if the judge for Paul Manafort's case had been married to the lawyer that represented Roger Stone, and William Barr had officiated their wedding? Would the media think that's okay? This is why America hates D.C. — one set of rules for those you rule over, but a different set for those that rule."

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